
Beautiful Granddaughter

Monday, September 13, 2010

Grandmother and Grandfather Day at School With Jordan

Jordan's class had a Grandparents day. JG and I attended. This is Jordan's teacher. I cannot imigine anyone wanting to spend everyday with 15 to 20 4 year olds, but she had them towing the line. It was great.
Jordan eating Cookies Jordan and JG having cookies and a drink.
Look at Jordan's eyes. He is egar to please and eager to learn.
Jordan sitting in the circle singing and entertaining the grandparents.

Jordan was the most polite and best child in the class. If all were like him the teacher would not have very many problems.
Outside the classroom they have a picture of everyone in the class. Jordan is showing me his picture.

JG is reading Jordan a book. I listened also and enjoyed it. We read Humpty Dumpty and and a Dr. Seuss book. I really liked the Dr Seuss book.
Most if the time it was just JG and Jordan. Jordan loved having books read to him. He did not want to quit. I think he would sit and listen all day.

Jordan is making a handpring with a poem for us. He wanted to make it in red but there was not any red so he made it in blue.
Be sure to see
"This Little Light of Mine"
below for more GrandParents day entertainment.

This Little Light of Mine

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


On my way to work this morning I saw a squirrel eating. I stopped my vehlicle about 10 foot from him and he let me take a few pictures.

After taking a few pictues he strolled off. He was really in no hurry.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Grand Children at Dog Park

Sarah called us from the doctors office. She has strep throat and feels really rotton. She did not get any sleep last night and was really sick. JG and I volunteered to have the children come to our house so she could get some sleep and maybe get well. JG picked them up while I worked on the pantry shelf project. When they can home, I put my stuff up and played with the Grandchildren.
Grandchildren at the Dog Park.
Jordan wanted to walk one of the dogs. Aleia wasn't interested in going to the park yet.
Now she is ready to go. We have to dogs trained not to pull on the leash. All children can walk the dogs now.
Salem wanted to walk Lady. Lady is Salem's favoriate dog.

Maybe we need three dogs. Jude did not have a dog to walk. He stayed close to Lady though. He was happy just walking with the dogs.
In the Dog Park. The children were running around the park as much as the dogs were. They had fun.

Salem, Jordan and Jude walked around the park wanting to pet all the dogs. We told them they had to ask permission from the owners before petting their dogs.
The three were looking around everywhere. They were not interested in setting with BoomPa.
They finally found a dog to pet. They asked before petting then all three petted the dog.
Being cautious was the name of the game. They were really good waiting for the dog to be ready to be petted.

Salem loved throwing a ball for the dogs to bring back.

Jude never quit running. He would pet a dog then run to BoomPa or JG, then run to find another dog to pet.
Jordan wanted me to take his picture. He wanted to pose.
This was his rap dance pose.

Jordan's strong man pose.

Jordan's Kung Fu Pose.
Jordan ran out of poses so he tried this one. He didn't know what it was either but he liked it.
One thing about Jordan's poses is he will always have another one until he is told it is time for something else. He then goes back to playing with the dogs.
Jude ran and ran. I couldn't believe he ran so far. I'll bet he sleeps good tonight.
All three kids ran from one end of the park to the other. If I walked that far I would be exhausted. Somehow they seem to have enough energy to do more.
Run, Run, Run. They ran more than the dogs.
Salem, Jordan and Jude followed Lady all over the park.
Our dogs enjoyed the children. Lady and Aleia don't usually run this much. They had lots of fun too.
Run, run, run. Run run, Run. What else if there to say.

We all had so much fun at the park. Everyone wants to go again tomorrow, even the dogs.
Does this little guy ever stop.
We left the park close to 8 PM. Went home and JG gave each one a bath. Jude was first and after his bath I layed him down for the night. He was asleep within 20 seconds. Sound asleep. Next was Jordan. After his bath he layed down and went to sleep in less than 2 minutes. A record time for them around here. Salem is still in the bath but I'll bet she goes to sleep just as fast. For me, I will sit in my chair in the room with the grandchildren and sleep too. I am tired. I always stay in the same room with them when they spend the night.
JG and I love our grandchildren.

About Me

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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Retired Oklahoma City Police Officer. Currently a database administrator for the City of Edmond.