
Beautiful Granddaughter

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Small Edmond Graveyard

The building we are working in to install radios is close to the railroad tracks. One of the sergeants that came in to get his radio changed out told us a story about two railroad workers who killed each other in the 1800s and were burried where they were killed. He said the Railroad company maintaines the graves.
I walked to the tracks, but could not get very close because of the fence that surrounds the property we are working on. I could see the two crosses and a mound of gravel over each grave. There is a monument just south of the graves.

I zoomed in so I could read what was written on the monument. It comfirmes the story the sergeant told me. I am going to visit the grave site soon by coming in from the other direction. I will get better pictures then.

Radio Install

We started installing radios in police vehicles this week. It is going to take three or four weeks to complete.All of our equipment and tools have been moved into the storage area and we are ready to start. We have a work bench to work on the the radio installation parts that do not fit properly. Most will not fit without some type of modifications.Some of the tools we needed we brought from home but it will make the job easier.
We put the tools we need to install the radios on a table so they will be handy when the police cars arrive.

Dan Falco is starting on the first unit. He works fast and hard. All the wireing for the cameras, sirens, lights, radio, and everything else runs below the console of the vehicle. Equipment was installed and the person installing it just ran wires everywhere. Nothing is marked and it looks like a rats nest.
Dan starts sorting the wires and hooking the proper wires to the new radio. Slow work.
We finally get the first car done. Now we only have 60 more to go and I am already tired.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New App

I got a new app for my iPhone. It keeps track of my walking exercise. I started using it this morning. You can see the results by going to John's Sunday

Hope this works. It will only be up for about one month then Pooooof it is gone.

Friday, April 23, 2010


We are looking for a place to work installing radios in police cars. We have 60 or 70 radios to install. We didn't want to pay rent for a garage so we looked at the old Electric warehouse and work area. It is dirty but we can clean it up and use it to install the radios.
The place doesn't look like much, but we think it will fit exactally what we need and the rent on the garage is free. The office is not too great. It is really dirty, dust everywhere. We will have to clean a lot before we can work in there. The window AC works so if it gets hot we will have a place to cool off. There is plenty of storage shelves around the wall we can put our tools and radios on while we are working.It is a big garage. There is a big garage door on the East and West side so if it is a little warm we can open open both doors and get a good breese through. The garage is not dirty and not too cluttered so just sweeping the floor will make the garage workable.

There is a large storage area that can be locked up. We can store our tools and radios in this area when we go home for the day. We are going to install an alarm system on the storage area, all the doors and put motion detectors up so the radios should be safe from theft. We can monitor our own alarm in the 911 center so if the alarm goes off an officer should be right there. I do not know what this round foundation is but I am guessing it used to be a water storage tank. There is a big pump on the South side and a large drain in the middle. Water storage would be my best guess. I think we found our place. The city will turn the water on Monday so we will have electricity and water. All the confort of, well not home, what a person needs to work on vehicles. I think this is going to be a perfect place to work. Maybe anything would look perfect since we work underground all the time and hardly get to see the daylight.


The Police Department purchased all new radios for all their officer and all the vehicles. The only problem with this is John Meadows, Dan Falco and I have to install the mobile radios in the police vehicles. Going to be a big job. We had to find a place to do the installations so we went to the old city garage and I saw something that made me feel like I was back in the '60s or '70s. A TG&Y trailer. For those of you that arn't over 40, TG&Y went out of business in the '70s. They were a chain store kind of like WalMart. There were TG&Y stores all over, several in the Metro area, and one in every little town. It was a great place for a kid to go because they had the latest and greatest toys.


Been a while. JG is feeling lots better and is able to get up and around a little. She went to WalMart this week to do some grocery shopping. I requested she ride in the electric cart because she has such a hard time walking so she did. She was glad she did before we were through. She was tired when we got back home.

I found a knife I wanted really bad.

JG gave me the money to buy the knife. I always need a good knife. The hook on the end is to cut seat belts after a wreck to help get people out faster. Unbuckleing a seatbelt when a car is upside down is sometimes very hard.

It is a very sharp knife. Has a stanless steel blade so it should stay sharp for a long time. I got to use it yesterday morning cutting plastic from around plants my father was planting.

The emblem is a police emblem. If you look close you will the the work POLICE on it. You can also see the seat belt cutter better in this picture. I can cut the seatbelt without worrying about cutting the person.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday, April 17th, 2010. JG did not have a good night last night. She is so sore she cannot set up by herself and there is lots of pain when I help her. She woke up several times during the night and wanted up. She is not up long before she is ready to go back down. She looks better today and I hope she starts feeling better too.

Grandfather was released from the hospital today. They have his bloodpressure in acceptable levels. He is still not stable on his feet. When we walked from the car to his house, if I hadn't had hold of him he would of fell down. When he got within a few feet of his chair he nearly fell again. After he sat down he started feeling better again. He feels great after setting for a few mminutes. Now it is just walking that is calusing him problems. I hope they find what is causing his balance to be off.

I have been too busy taking care of the sick to do anything so there are no pictures. Maybe soon I will be able to get out and do things again. I did walk Lady her 2 miles this morning. It was wet outside. It has been raining all night and was still coming down a little during our walk. We took a mile walk yesterday in a pretty good shower. Lady loves it, but I would rather walk in the dry.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Medical Updates

JG was taken into surgery at 12:00 Noon. The doctor advised she would be in surgery for 3.5 to 4 hours. He said he was going to make her a sexy granny. (Don't call her that because she does not like to be called granny but I think she is going to like the sexy part) JG was in really good spirits when they took her in. I think she will be sore when she gets to go home but it will be worth it when it is all healed.

Rex is still in ICU in Baptist hospital. He is having low blood pressure problems. My sister said he was setting up and feeling pretty good. She said they are going to keep him in ICU until his blood pressure levels out and then another 24 hours in a regular room before he can go home.

I will keep you informed.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

GrandPa Avera

GrandPa Avera was scheduled to have a stent put in the artyeries in his neck. It was suppose to be a 30 to 45 minute procedure. He was actually in surgery for 2 1/2 hours. The doctor said he has never had so much problems putting in a stent in his life. When they took him to recovery room, his blood pressure dropped very low. They made Mom and my sister leave while they worked on him. Two hours later they let us go back and visit with him. He is very tired but alert and concience. When he left the recovery room they put him in ICU so they could watch his blood pressure close. He was only allowed two visiters at a time. Mom wanted to spend the night but they told her she would have to leave at 10 PM. She was not too happy about that but she will accept it.

JG is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning at 10 AM but should be able to go home around 6 PM. I took off work the next two days to take care of her. She will probably be really sore for a couple of days. We are hoping recovery will be short. JG wants to get her hair cut Saturday. We will see.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another day and what is our entertainment. Lady!!! Seems like our activities are now all around Lady. We went to the dog park again to let her run and play. I thought it would be nice if we let her go in the lake swimming. I asked JG and she said we should try it. Wow, we have a water puppy.She took to the water like a duck. She was in so fast it surprised me.
She is as pretty in the water as she is out. Look at that stance.
In only a few minutes in the water she was swimming in water over her head. She is a talented swimmer.

The water where they are is deep enough that it covers most of their bodies. They both were jumping out of the water playing with each other.It looks like they are mad at reach other. They are having fun playing and chasing the ball that was thrown in the water. This water was over their heads
Splash, splash!!! Having fun and splashing in the water. After about 30 minutes of this Lady was ready to go back to the park and run, run, run. The swim seem to give her a new found energy.
After leaving the dog park, we went to the Dog Wash and gave Lady a bath. Like a car wash except the water is the correct temperature and the soap is for dogs. It even has a dryer for them. It is a nice way to give your pet a bath. The animals are on an elevated area so you don't have to bend over to wash them. Lady even likes baths.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dog Park again. Every Day Dog Park

After work today, I parked my truck in the drive. I saw JG and Lady in front of Bill Bushe's house. Lady was playing with Bill''s dog. They are both Catahoulas and get along very good. Lady loves to go there to play. I honked the horn on my pickup and lady started for the house as quickly as she could drag JG. Lady always seems happy to see me come home. We went into the house, I wanted to read Meredith's blog, but Lady kept running from the front door back to me and then to the front door again. I know what she wanted. She wanted to go to the dog park and play. I know she would not settle down until she had a chance to run and play so JG and I got in the truck with Lady and went to the dog park. I enjoy being at the dog park watching lady play with all the other dogs. I had Lady walk beside me, walking with a loose leash, but not leaving my side. She was really ancious to get in the park and play, but she obeyed my wishes to walk slow and stay beside me. When we arrived at the fence, I had lady sit and stay for about 20 seconds. I gave her a treat and we then continues walking to the dog park gate. Once inside, I had her walk beside me across the park to the park bench where JG and I usually sit. I had her sit and stay again. She looked at me with those sad eyes wanting to go play, but I had her sit for a little longer. I reached down and unhooked the leash and she pranced off to run and play with the other dogss. The first time we took her to the dog park she didn't know what to expect. Lots of the other dogs pushed her around, knocking her down. They were not mean, it was Lady didn't know how to play. the next few times there she did better but always followed the other dogs and let them decide what was going to be done. Now Lady is the Alpha dog there. She takes charge and leads them in runs. She does not pick on the other dogs but she sure doesn't let them pick on her. All the dogs seem to love Lady.
Lady also loves people. She will follow a person and as soon as she catches up she expects the person to pet her. Usually they do because Lady never jumps on them or trys to knock them down. She will just get close and look at them with her pitiful eyes and they will nearly always reach down and pet her. Most people there know her by name.
When it is time to go home, I start walking to the exit gate and tell Lady "Come". She will run aroung a little and stop and smell the ground, but by the time JG and I get to the gate she is there ready for her leash and ready to go home.
JG is walking Lady back to the pickup. JG and Lady really get along good. Lady trys to please JG and usually does everything she is asked. JG walks the dog several times each day and is really enjoying her company. I am enjoying it to if you couldn't tell.
Lady, JG and I are ready to get back in the truck. We are going to Crest Market to get something for dinner. JG is also going to buy Lady some dog bones. When we got home we had dinner and JG put the bones in the oven and baked them. I enjoy sitting outside with her. Before I gave her the bone we walked one mile around the neighborhood. It was after dark and everyone was inside so we didn't have to stop and get petted by everyone.
It is past time for me to go to bed. Lady and my 1 & 3/4 mile walk at 5 am will come early in the morning.

Working Weekend

JG and I worked hard this weekend. I cleaned all the old firewood from the side of the house and put it on the curb for our once a month large garbage pickup. The City of Oklahoma City picks up large piles of garbage set out at the curb one time each month. They will pick up anything, non hazzard, that is not larger than two referegrators. After I got all the firewood to the curb it looked about the size of two large referegrators. I also wanted to trim some of my bushes and trees so I trimmed them and made everything look good. Justin and I pulled all the limbs to the front yard and made another pile close to the first. This one was larger than four referegrators. I was hoping the waste management people would pick it all up. Yes, I believe each one is about the maximum that is suppose to be picked up by the city. I have seen other houses with large piles of trash, but never this much so I am just hoping it will be gone today.

The pile of tree limbs is about 10 foot tall, 10 foot wide and 15 foot long. I pushed it together as much as I could to make it smaller, it just would not get any smaller.

I thought looking at it from the house maybe it would look smaller, but it didn't. If they don't take it all I will haul it to the dump this week. Here is hoping.

I came home Monday evening from work and all of the tree limbs and fire wood was gone. It made me very happy. Our waste management department is very good.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday morning has always ment dressing up and going to church. I call dressing up, not wearing blue jeans. After the church service the family went to McDonalds for a Egg McMuffin. Mother was wearing a hat Justin gave her for Easter. She told everyone at church that her grandson gave her the hat. She also said he has given her several other things just as pretty.
Mom, Dad, Sue, Jeane, Ivan and I went to church together, just like we do every Sunday. Most of the time we stop by McDonalds on the way home for coffee and an Egg McMuffen.

We always have a very good time and we meet every day for breakfast. Very few families have as much fun as often as we do. After breakfast, we all went our seperate ways, each to their own homes. We will meet again in the morning at Jimmy's Egg restaurant for another breakfast and a good visit.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Farmers Market

JG wanted to go to Farmers Market, get some groceries. This weekend one of the local farmers was there selling beef. We have had their beef before and it is really good so JG wanted to get five pounds of roast. After eating breakfast with the faimly, I came home and went to sleep. Benita woke me up a little before 10 AM telling me we were late going to the market. JG, Lady and I got into my truck and we headed to the Farmers Market on the OSUOKC campus on Portland. When we arrived I told JG I wanted to play with Lady while she went inside to purchase her items.

JG agreed and went to the market by herself. Lady is not allowed inside the market so we walked around outside while JG was in shopping.

Lady and I walked to the front of the building. There was only one vendor outside. There are usuallt four or five outside. I thought maybe this week there would not be very many vendors inside. On the way home JG said the market was full inside.

JG and I have been to this Farmers Market many times before and I knew the farmer that sold the beef parked his trailer in the back of the building. Lady and I walked to the rear of the building to wait on her.

In a few minutes JG came out the back door with her bag to purchase the beef. She did not see Lady and I because she was focused on getting her shopping done.
JG looked at the beef and talked to the lady who was selling her the beef. JG went inside the trailer and looked some more in there In a few minutes she came out of the trailer and went back inside the market. I don't think she ever knew Lady and I were watching her.

I didn't know how long she was going to stay in the market so I walked Lady over to a park area to wait. On the way we saw a tree that just started to bloom. That means wenter is over. We should not have too many days of cold.

I sat down on a picnic table and let lady go as far as the leash would let her. We didn't waite very long before JG came out of the market and walked over to us. She showed me she purchased some local honey I love. I put the sack in the back of my pickup and we started back home.
It was a beautiful day in Oklahoma. I am glad it was warm so I could stay outside with Lady.

About Me

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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Retired Oklahoma City Police Officer. Currently a database administrator for the City of Edmond.