
Beautiful Granddaughter

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another day and what is our entertainment. Lady!!! Seems like our activities are now all around Lady. We went to the dog park again to let her run and play. I thought it would be nice if we let her go in the lake swimming. I asked JG and she said we should try it. Wow, we have a water puppy.She took to the water like a duck. She was in so fast it surprised me.
She is as pretty in the water as she is out. Look at that stance.
In only a few minutes in the water she was swimming in water over her head. She is a talented swimmer.

The water where they are is deep enough that it covers most of their bodies. They both were jumping out of the water playing with each other.It looks like they are mad at reach other. They are having fun playing and chasing the ball that was thrown in the water. This water was over their heads
Splash, splash!!! Having fun and splashing in the water. After about 30 minutes of this Lady was ready to go back to the park and run, run, run. The swim seem to give her a new found energy.
After leaving the dog park, we went to the Dog Wash and gave Lady a bath. Like a car wash except the water is the correct temperature and the soap is for dogs. It even has a dryer for them. It is a nice way to give your pet a bath. The animals are on an elevated area so you don't have to bend over to wash them. Lady even likes baths.

1 comment:

  1. She sure looks pretty in the water! What a good dog, I can't wait to meet her.


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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Retired Oklahoma City Police Officer. Currently a database administrator for the City of Edmond.