After work today, I parked my truck in the drive. I saw JG and Lady in front of Bill Bushe's house. Lady was playing with Bill''s dog. They are both Catahoulas and get along very good. Lady loves to go there to play. I honked the horn on my pickup and lady started for the house as quickly as she could drag JG. Lady always seems happy to see me come home. We went into the house, I wanted to read Meredith's blog, but Lady kept running from the front door back to me and then to the front door again. I know what she wanted. She wanted to go to the dog park and play. I know she would not settle down until she had a chance to run and play so JG and I got in the truck with Lady and went to the dog park. I enjoy being at the dog park watching lady play with all the other dogs.

I had Lady walk beside me, walking with a loose leash, but not leaving my side. She was really ancious to get in the park and play, but she obeyed my wishes to walk slow and stay beside me. When we arrived at the fence, I had lady sit and stay for about 20 seconds. I gave her a treat and we then continues walking to the dog park gate. Once inside, I had her walk beside me across the park to the park bench where JG and I usually sit. I had her sit and stay again. She looked at me with those sad eyes wanting to go play, but I had her sit for a little longer. I reached down and unhooked the leash and she pranced off to run and play with the other dogss.

The first time we took her to the dog park she didn't know what to expect. Lots of the other dogs pushed her around, knocking her down. They were not mean, it was Lady didn't know how to play. the next few times there she did better but always followed the other dogs and let them decide what was going to be done. Now Lady is the Alpha dog there. She takes charge and leads them in runs. She does not pick on the other dogs but she sure doesn't let them pick on her. All the dogs seem to love Lady.

Lady also loves people. She will follow a person and as soon as she catches up she expects the person to pet her. Usually they do because Lady never jumps on them or trys to knock them down. She will just get close and look at them with her pitiful eyes and they will nearly always reach down and pet her. Most people there know her by name.

When it is time to go home, I start walking to the exit gate and tell Lady "Come". She will run aroung a little and stop and smell the ground, but by the time JG and I get to the gate she is there ready for her leash and ready to go home.

JG is walking Lady back to the pickup. JG and Lady really get along good. Lady trys to please JG and usually does everything she is asked. JG walks the dog several times each day and is really enjoying her company. I am enjoying it to if you couldn't tell.

Lady, JG and I are ready to get back in the truck. We are going to Crest Market to get something for dinner. JG is also going to buy Lady some dog bones. When we got home we had dinner and JG put the bones in the oven and baked them. I enjoy sitting outside with her. Before I gave her the bone we walked one mile around the neighborhood. It was after dark and everyone was inside so we didn't have to stop and get petted by everyone.
It is past time for me to go to bed. Lady and my 1 & 3/4 mile walk at 5 am will come early in the morning.
I'm glad Lady gets on well with the other dogs. I bet you have fun watching her have fun!