JG and I worked hard this weekend. I cleaned all the old firewood from the side of the house and put it on the curb for our once a month large garbage pickup. The City of Oklahoma City picks up large piles of garbage set out at the curb one time each month. They will pick up anything, non hazzard, that is not larger than two referegrators. After I got all the firewood to the curb it looked about the size of two large referegrators. I also wanted to trim some of my bushes and trees so I trimmed them and made everything look good. Justin and I pulled all the limbs to the front yard and made another pile close to the first. This one was larger than four referegrators. I was hoping the waste management people would pick it all up.

Yes, I believe each one is about the maximum that is suppose to be picked up by the city. I have seen other houses with large piles of trash, but never this much so I am just hoping it will be gone today.
The pile of tree limbs is about 10 foot tall, 10 foot wide and 15 foot long. I pushed it together as much as I could to make it smaller, it just would not get any smaller.

I thought looking at it from the house maybe it would look smaller, but it didn't. If they don't take it all I will haul it to the dump this week. Here is hoping.
I came home Monday evening from work and all of the tree limbs and fire wood was gone. It made me very happy. Our waste management department is very good.
Wow! you sure did a lot of work!!