We decided to go to Disnyland Friday. Since Meredith and Chris had already purchased tickets we decided to go. We told Chris too late for him to get off to go with us so it was just Alison, Meredith, BaBa and BoomPa. I think Alison is a little to young to take to Disnyland but Meredith was really ancious for her to go.
After we got dressed and ready to go I wanted a picture of Alison with the chalk art letting Disnyland know we were coming. She just didn't look to happy about the idea. The best thing about taking her was it was only a two hour drive and we could take her back home if she didn't like it.
A few minutes after getting in the car for the drive to Disnyland Alison was sound alseep. I knew it would not last the hole day so I braced myself for a long day of a baby that was too young to go to Disnyland.
We arrived at the Disnyland parking lot, got on the big bus for a ride to the park. Alison seemed to enjoy the bus ride. It was much like a ride in a car except there were no car seats to hold her down.
I don't know what she was thinking about but she still didn't seem too happy. Wasn't unhappy though so that was a positive thing. We were outside the first check in gates. Here they wouldl go thorugh everything you were carrying in, kind of like at the airport.
Last time I was at Disnyland was in 1966. That was a long time ago but the entrance to the Magical Kingdom was exactally the same.
BaBa, Meredith and Alison in front of the flowers making a Mickey Mouse Picture. Alison was smilling and seemed to really enjoy the flowers.
Just inside the gates there was a marching band playing. They were good. Meredith said when she was at NMMI she got to come to Disnyland and play in their marching band. She said it was fun.
Alison didn't want to ride in the stroller we had. Actually she wanted to walk. She was not fussing but really wanted to walk.
Baba, Please let me walk. I will not cause problems and I will stay really really close to you.
Disney Characters all over the park. The average wait to see a minor charactor was 30 minutes. Some lines to see them was over an hour. Not worth it to see this one.
Disney City Hall. We did not go in. I don't think I went in in 1966 either.
Baba and Meredith let Alison down like she wanted and she started walking with them. She didn't mind holding hands so everything was going good. She was pointing and having a good time.
WOW. What is this. I havn't seen one of these up close. Let me look it over.
This is a roller coster inside a dark mountain. I told them Alison and I was not going to ride it.
One of the Disney employees gave me a sticker for Alison. We put it on the back of her blouse. I thought it was really great. Alison's Mother is showing her everything in the park. Alison listned closley and was enjoying the park.
Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse.
Pluto. Just as I remembered.
The Castle. Wow, Just as I remembered it. I am beginning to enjoy the visit.
Alison is taking in everything. She is now telling us where everything is. She is having a great time.
Trying on bows and mouse ears.
Alison is really having a good time. She refuses to ride in the stroller. She is keeping up with us.
Don't know what this was but it is pretty.
In the Magic Kingdom and still has to talk on the phone. I think she is talking to Chris.
Woody and Annie. Toy Story chacters. Another long line.
Goats in the petting area. Alison does not know what to think about the goats but she tolerates them.
Alison't mother helps her pet the goat.
Another goat. Alison is facinated by these aminals. She called them Animal.
Meredith is trying to get her closer but Alison does not know if she wants closer.
Alison reached out to pet the goat.
Another goat came up to Alison wanting petted. Alison didn't know what to think about this.
Pirates of the Caribbean.
Alison and BoomPa looking at the animals.
Lets leave this part of the park and go somewhere else. Alison is really being good. We have been here for two hours and she is still going strong. She still does not want in the stroller but allows us to carry her.
Alison is looking at everything, taking it all in. BoomPa is looking at everything too and taking it all in. We are having a great time.
Alison loves elephants. I pointed to the these elephants and Alison said Elephant.
Weare looking at the elephants.
Meredith and I are going to ride the flying Dumbo with Alison. This is Alison's first amusement park ride. Baba stayed with the stroller. We thought someone had to stay with the stroller all the time. Soon we learned that everyone left their strollers outside each ride completely loaded withy goodies and no one bothered them.
They gave us a magic feather that made Dumbo fly. Alison took it and thought it might be something good to eat.
Meredith and Alison got into Dumbo and I took a quick picture. I gave Baba the camera to take pictures of Alison's first ride.
I got in Dumbo and Baba took the picture of us.
Off we go. It was a lot more fun then I thought. Alison loved the ride. She was showing us everything as it went by.
Oops. I am dizzy. I have a hard time riding rides that go round and round.
Good thing they put a fence there for people lilke me to hang onto.
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your golden hair.
I am a recovering Dumbo rider. Still kind of dizzy. Baba, Meredith and Alison are going to ride Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Meredith is really having a great time. Look at that face. Actually Baba is holding cookies in her hand and Alison is eating them. She is having a good time anyway. Loves rides.
Standing in front of the door to the ride
Meredith and Baba are sitting on one of Mr. Toad's cars.
Mad Hatter's Tea Cup. We did not ride this ride. It spinns round and round. I think I would be sick if I went round and round again.
We stopped for lunch. Meredith got a box lunch. Apples, yogart, cheese, milk, gold fish, and a few more goodies. It was a good box lunch for a little one. She ate and had fun.
This is where they teach young ladies to be princesses and young men to be princes.
This Preincess look like a doll. I thought she was beautiful.
Alison was watching them dance and was dancing with them. She was the prettist princess there.
May Pole dance for all the new Princes and Princesses.
Alison having fun looking at the baby in the mirror.
Alison is looking for the baby behind the Mirror. She looked several times but never found her.
Baba got Meredith a cup. Once a Princess, Always a Princess.
Alison visiting with a Prince. She liked him and he liked her.
Our next adventure was a train ride around the Wonder Land.
Before the train made it around one time Alison was asleep. We rode the train around another time so she could have a little longer sleep. As soon as we got off the train shw woke up and was in a good mood again. This was about a 15 minute nap.
Baba and Meredith in a fire truck.
Meredith went to jail. In Cartoon land you don't have to do anything wring to go to jail, Just walk in.
Alison found a hat she loved. Baba had to buy it for her.
I didn't like this hat. It didn't go very good with my personality.
This one matched my personality better but I didn't like it anyway.
Meredith looks good no matter what she wears.
Alison wore the hat she picked out the rest of day. She loved it.
We got in line to let Alison visit with Mickey Mouse. The line was long but it wound through Mickey's house. Alison is setting in one of Mickey's chairs.
Pluto's dog house inside of Mickey's home.
Alison loved the broom. She wanted to play with it.
We finally made it to see Mickey. Alison liked him right off.
Alison loved Mickey. She got to hold his hand.
Mickey told Alison Goodby. Sad Parting.
Alison is now willing to sit in the stroller but is still excited to be at the Magic Kingdom.
Winnie the Pooh. Alison sitting by his honey pots.
Look at that smile. Alison has been at the park all day and is still being great. I guess I was wrong on Alison being too young to go to Disney Land
She knows what she wants. She wants to be at Disney Land.
Still traveling around the park. Alison is missing nothing.
Meredith posing in New Orleans section of the park.
Eating dinner and I decided to take another picture. I called her name, she turned around and I snapped the picture. I think it surprised her.
The Magic Castlel at night. We are waiting on the Fireworks to start.

I finally found a hat I liked. Baba got it for me.
Alison and BoomPa watching the fireworks.
After the fireworks we went to the Tiki room to hear the birds sing. It was a good show.
After the Tiki Show we decided it was the end of the day for us. It was finally the end of the day for Alison. She was a great baby all day. Disney land is for children like Alison.