We have been under a tornado watch or warning for the last week. As soon as I get home each day we hurry to the dog park to let the dogs work off their energy.

This is one of the storms we could seek from the dog park. This thunderstorm was East of us travling North East so it was no danger to us. It produced one funnel just outside of Stillwater but that was it for this one. There were only 6 or 7 tornados touched down yesterday and none of them did much damage. No one was hurt.
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First thing we do everytime we go to the park is go swimming;. I have never uploaded a video so I hope this one works. This is usually what the dogs do at the lake.

Lady resting after playing hard at the park.

But Leia will not let her rest long.

Lady and Leia play with each other all the time. They play together when there are thirty other dogs in the dog park to play. They are becoming best of friends.
I am so glad the girl like each other and from the pictures it does looka s though they are becoming the best of friends! love you dad!