Today was the City Of Edmond’s “Pig Out In The Park”

It is time for us to go back to work. Maybe we can play more next year. Pig Out in the Park is a fun time for everyone.
The entrance to the Dog park at 33rd east of Boulevard in Edmond.
The walking bridge over the creek going to the dog park is completely under water.The dry wash west of Coltrane on 33rd Street. Out of banks.
Another view but North of 33 on Coltrane
Water going under a bridge North of 15th and Coltrane.
Again just north of 15th on Coltrane. Very small dry creek.
The soccer field on Coletrane just North of 15th street. Water going across the road north of 2nd Street on Coltrane. This is where 10 homes were evacuated. This car should not be driving through the water.
North of 2nd Street on Coletrane. Water rushing across the road.
Horse pasture on NorthWest corner of Coltrane and 2nd Street
The rest of the Horse Pasture at 2nd and Coltrane.
Water going over the spillway at a small pond in 1400 block of Ayers. Water coming from behing a duplex onto the street. Water water everywhere.
If I get to go back out later I will have more to post.