This year July 4th was on a Sunday so the Parade was held on Saturday, July 3rd. It was cloudy and spitting a

small amount of rain so it was not as hot as most parades. JG, Sarah, Jordan, Salem and Jude all came with me. I met both my sisters and mon and dad there. We all enjoyed the parade.

Every year the parade is called the Liberty Fest Parade. This year was no different.

There were big baloons with the Liberty Fest written on them at the opening of the parade.
The first to go down the street were the Fire Equipment. They wanted to go first so if they got a call they wou

ld be free to take it. I was about 5 minutes late so I didn't get a picture of the Fire Trucks. The Liberty Baloons were suppose to be first.
The first flags carried down the parade route. Everyone stood up with most putting their hand over their hearts.
The Boy Scouts Band. I didn't know there was a Boy Scout Band. They
Played just before this picture and they were very good.
Boy Scouts honor guard.

The first horse drawn carrrage. This will not be the last in this parade.

Here comes more boy scouts carrying flags. This is the first time they didn't carry one very large flag.

Stage Coach. The horses pulling the stage coach are beautiful.

Sons of the American Revolution. This was the first float in the parade. I like it when the float has so many people on it that it covers up the art of the float.

I started going to this parade, July 4, 1980. I have been to the parade every year save one. (Last year we went to SanDiego to visit our daughter.) This horse drawn wagon has been in the parade every year.

What would be an Edmond 4th of July parade without cars and Queens. This is Ms. UCO.

TeaCup Chains Square Dancers. They were dancing when I first saw them coming down the street and were still dancing when they pulled out of site on the other side. I enjoyed the music also.

ASFCME float. I am a member of the ASFCME. They are our Union or our barganing agent for the City of Edmond Non-uniform Employees.

One of Edmond's Motorcycle Police Officers. They rode up and down the parade route to keep everything going and in order. They did an excellent job this year.

Edmond North High Schoool Band. This is the band that my daughter Meredith played in when she was in High School.

The band was playing as they passed by. I love marching bands. I was glad my daughter played in the band. I attended nearly all their concerts.

If my daughter were still playing in the North Highschool Band, this is where she would be. She played the SAX. This section of the bands have a special place in my heart.

Ford Pickup. This was my favoriate vehicle in the parade.

Checker Cab. I'll bet there is more room in the back seat of this Taxi than the new ones, but I'll bet the air conditioner does not work as good.

The Edmond Emergency Management vehicle. This is the vehicle that my unit uses when we need to go somewhere. This vehicle is very nice, but I would rather drive my Ford pickup than this.

John Meadows was the passenger in the vehicle waving. Buddy Hatchel was the driver. I had family coming to the parade and would rather been with them than ride in the parade.

Edmond Electric Bucket Truck. Electric City Employees are on the truck and some of their children are in the bucket.

Edmond's Animal Welfare pickup pulling Paws for Life float. Edmond places nearly all thier dogs with a new family.

Paws For Life is a group of volunteers that helps the animals at the Edmond Shelter be Adopted. They work many days each week trying to get the animals adopted.

Here is one of the dogs that is up for adoption. This group walks every dog in the shelter every day. By the time a pet is adopted it can be walked on a leash.

Oklahoma County Sherrifs Motorcycle patrol.
Another Edmond Officer Patroling the Parade route. I love motorcycles if you cannot tell.

This looks like a Segway want to be. I have never seen anything like this before. It belongs to the Oklahoma County Sherriff Department.
More to come later. There is too much to put in in one setting.
I like all your pictures and what you said about the band! I do wish there were some pictures of the family you took to the parade